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North Marion High School
Class of 1982 and 1983
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Class of 1977
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Your High School
Class of 1977
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Frank Baker
Tina Blake
Ronnie Bock
Roger Boord
Charlotte Brown
Maureen Byrne
Terri Cain
Larry Capeletti
Cindy Cartwright (Stone)
Valerie Clark
Danielle Collett
Barbara Cox
Mary Deberry (McLain)
Mary Denoon
Stephen Edwards
Ada Elswick
Mark Filius
Tom Fleming
Renee Goines
Jon Graffius
Jill Gump (Smith)
Terry Gump
Mike Haddix
Paula Haddix
Zina Halfkenney
Kim Hedrick (Lemley)
Debbie Hendershot
Glenna Henderson
Ron Higgins
Tammy Hulderman
Renae Hulsey (Hyde)
Andrea Jacques (Forsyth)
Alan Jones
Bobby Jones
Antheia Justice (Turner)
Wendy Kaznoski (Morris)
Mary Kelly
Ronald Longwell
Nick Malcomb
Terry Martin
Dave Mayfield
Rodney McCullough
Eric Michael
Frances Moore
John Moore
Vivian Moore
David Morris
William Murray
Brenda Raber (Mann)
Mildred Raddish
Sam Ramsey
Chester Robinson
Kevin Robinson
Charlie Ross
Susan Sanders
David Scales
Lora Shamblen (Earl)
Patricia Shoemaker
Jim Simons
Clark Smith
Kim Smith (Shearer)
Linda Stevenksi (Moore)
David Strosnider
Eddie Taylor
Angie Tomana (Retton)
Kimberly Toothman (Friend)
Rhonda Wallace
Gary Watson
John Williams
Rose Willis
Theresa Willis
Martha Wilson
Josie Woods (Akers)
Rosetta Woods
Joe Zicafoose
Shelly Zicafoose